New Student Information OLD

Submit application to Graduate School with all required documentsClick for deadlines for priority consideration for funding.Prospective new studentGraduate School
Sign and return offer letter after you are acceptedAs soon as possible after receipt of letter.Prospective new studentGraduate Services Coordinator – Angie Barefoot
Complete I-9 formYour first day on campusNew students on assistantshipI-9 Center: Administrative Services II building, 2711 Sullivan Drive, in Room 101
New International Student OrientationAugust 16, 2023New International StudentsTalley Student Center
Attend New Graduate Student OrientationAugust 18, 2023New studentMcKimmon Center
Initiate NC ResidencyImmediately! Initiate in your first week. All domestic, out-of-state graduate students on assistantship. This includes US citizens and Permanent Residents.North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS)
Attend Soil Science New Graduate Student Orientation.August 24, 2023 from 3 until 5:30 pm.All new studentsYou will receive an invitation from the Director of Graduate Programs.