Checklist of Final To-Dos
- Decide on a date and time for your final oral examination and reserve a room for the presentation and exam. Typically this would be in room 2223 or 2405 Williams Hall. These rooms are often in use so check availability BEFORE you schedule the exam. The Graduate Services Coordinator can assist and your Major Advisor should be able to do this as well.
- Submit the Request to Schedule the Masters or Doctoral Oral Exam form at least 12-14 working days prior to the scheduled time. The DGP must submit this to the Graduate School at least 10 working days prior to the exam.
- Ensure that the Plan of Work is completed and approved before the final examination.
- Deliver a complete thesis or dissertation to your committee at least two weeks prior to the exam date.
- Defend and pass the exam and your Advisor will inform the DGP and Graduate School.
- Schedule an exit interview with the DGP for immediately after the final exam.
- Work with your advisor to determine when your employment will end after the exam and communicate this to the Graduate Services Coordinator in order to terminate your employment.
- If you are leaving for a job shortly after your defense and before the semester is over, please contact the Graduate Services Coordinator as we need to ensure that will not be billed for the semester tuition for leaving too early.
Checking out
Please do the following before you leave:
- Remove all personal items from your desk and lab.
- Return any equipment that you have in your possession, such as a laptop, to your Major Advisor.
- Return your key(s) directly to the Executive Assistant in the Department Office (2207 Williams Hall).